Education for Sustainable Development Programme for UK Schools
The Trust for Sustainable Living welcomes around 500 schools each year to The Living Rainforest, our indoor rainforest visitor centre which houses over 850 tropical plant and animal species.
TSL has welcomed schools from as far as Norfolk to the east and South Wales to the west. 25,000 students annually from Key Stages 1-4 benefit from our award-winning education for sustainable development.
Our 50-minute guided tours through our tropical rainforest ecosystem ensure an engaging & immersive experience for all pupils and link closely with the National Curriculum on the following topics:
- Amazing Adaptations
- Edible Forest
- Sustainable Future
- Climate Change and Human Impacts
A typical school visit encompasses the guided tour as well as free time to further explore the glasshouses and complete any activity worksheets or artwork, time in the Human Impact Building, where lessons can continue and/or students take their morning or lunch snacks, and a chance to visit our sustainable gift shop, before returning by bus to school.
We provide a number of supporting resources including a timetable to help you plan your day, schools risk assessment, teachers tour notes and activity worksheets which are available to pre-print online. Our education team are here to answer all your questions and to help you make the most of your day.
To find all the comprehensive information on TSL’s UK Education for Sustainable Development programme, please click here.