Aligned with SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals, we work with partners in the UK and right around the world in support of our Vision of ‘A world where everyone is educated and empowered to achieve a sustainable future’.
Partnership Case Study: TSL has partnered with Pollinating London Together to create a series of education resources about pollinators, which link to the KS2, KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum in England.
The resources have a particular focus on the important links between pollinators and sustainability, including their role in food security (Zero Hunger, SDG 2), how they positively impact our physical and mental health (Good Health and Wellbeing, SDG 3), and how they and create new job opportunities and support livelihoods (Decent work and Economic Growth, SDG 8), as well as their more obvious role in plant reproduction (Climate Action, SDG 13) and important role supporting biodiversity in our ecosystems (Life on Land, SDG 15).
As well as enabling students to learn more about the vital role of pollinators in our ecosystems, why they are under threat and what we can do to help, we also hope it will help teachers and students realise that sustainability is relevant to all subjects, not just Science and Geography where it is traditionally taught. The new resources support the DfE’s new climate and sustainability education strategy, covering a range of subjects including Art, Computing, Design and Technology, English, Geography, Global Citizenship, Music and Science and include lesson plans and supporting resources.
The learning resources are currently being piloted by a small number of schools and will be made publicly available in early 2025.
Other Current TSL Partners:
- British & Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) – Working Group Member for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
- Eco Attractions Group, UK – Founding Member
- Global Youth Forum – Moulding4Work Programme mentors, based in Kenya for African young people
- National Climate Education Action Planning Group, collaborating with other organisations to support implementation of the Department of Education Climate and Sustainability Education Strategy
- Oxford University – Sustainability policy development with Rhodes House and partnership for promoting RISE programme
- Renaissance Foundation – Youth sustainability training for London-based young carers and patients
- United Nations Development Programme – Collaborative event on ‘Students For Tomorrow’ film
- University of Reading – Developing teacher training to support the new DfE Strategy
The Trust for Sustainable Living is very grateful to all supporters who help make the charity’s work and impact possible. Names listed below have provided support to the charity during the last 24 months:
- Alfa Chemicals
- Anonymous Donor
- Dr. Barry Murrer
- Batchworth Trust
- Clare Normand
- Gerald Palmer Eling Trust
- Greenham Trust
- H Foster 1875
- Hampstead Norreys Community Shop
- Liebreich Foundation
- Syder Foundation
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Vodafone
- William Donalds Memorial Trust