Trust for Sustainable Living

TSL 2021 International Schools Essay Competition: PROTECTING BIODIVERSITY

How can we protect biological diversity and stop the sixth mass extinction?

Latest: What’s Next?

Now that the Finalists and Honourable Mentions have been announced, we have invited the top 4 essay writing students (2 primary and 2 secondary) from each country to take part in the International School Debates on July 5-6. Teacher Champions were contacted in March with details on how to register their students to participate. Debating students need to be registered by April 29 to participate in the International Debates. If you wish to attend the International Debates and Partner Power Summit: PROTECTING BIODIVERSITY, click on the link at the top of this page to register.

We have also reached out and connected all our Teacher Champions to encourage them to consider setting up a Country or Regional Debate. See our Debates page for more information on organising a Country Debate.

The results are in!

During such a challenging year, particularly for schools, teachers and students, we are delighted to have received a record 1,350 entries in our 2021 International Schools Essay Competition!

290 Teacher Champions from 213 schools, across 59 countries around the world, have enabled their students to share their ideas to help protect the Earth’s precious biological diversity.

Students have identified several key issues and causes of biodiversity loss including:

and explored a number of exciting and innovative solutions including:

Following on from the success of our first onlineInternational Schools’ Debates and Summit in 2020, this year’s Debates will take place online on July 5-6 to help support the broadest possible participation of schoolchildren from around the world.

The prizes

One overall Grand Prize trophy winner will receive a free international trip to a TSL Summit, including £500 spending money. The Top 10 essay medallists will receive eco-friendly e-medals with redeemable gift tokens included. All participating Teacher Champions, Essay Finalists & Honourable Mentions, and International Debate participants, will receive personalised e-certificates.

The 2025 Competition is Now Open!!

Key dates