Trust for Sustainable Living

TSL 2024 International Student Essay Competition Winners!


The theme of the 2024 International Student Essay Competition was NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS

We received a record number of entries in the 2024 competition, with 1594 essays from 340 schools in 64 countries, on theme of “How can nature help us achieve the UN SDGs in my community?”

Students aged 7-11 (Primary) and 12-18 (Secondary) were asked to share their own views on how they feel that nature could support the achievement of the SDGs in their own communities. Students were invited to approach the topic however they wished, either focusing on one SDG, or multiple SDGs that they felt are a key issue within their communities, and explore how nature could help to improve the situation.

Our panel of International Judges were extremely impressed by the variety of Nature-based solutions (NBS) explored by the students in their essays and the understanding of the applications and benefits of NBS.

Congratulations to all our winners and top finalists detailed below!

TSL 2024 International Essay Competition Primary Winner

Primary Essay Competition Results

Yeira William Xavier age 9 from Sharada Mandir School, India, is the recipient of this year’s first place primary award. Yeira’s essay highlighted ‘Mother Natures’ inherent ability to achieve the SDG’s and that by looking back to nature we will find the solutions needed.

The top prize winners are listed in the table below. See our full list of awards here.

Final Position Entrant School/College Country
1st Yeira William Xavier Sharada Mandir School India
2nd Ameen Shakur King’s College School UK
Joint 3rd Dao Binh Minh Vinschool Smart City Secondary and High School Vietnam
Joint 3rd David Oluwafoyinsayemi Anigbajumo Gladview Model Academy Nigeria
4th Alina Ryburn Hartland International School UAE
5th Sarah Manglani The British School New Delhi India
6th Hamsini Senthil Department of Education Services Seychelles
7th Sharon Wanjiru Kahiu Children’s Environmental Rescue Kenya
8th Erzat Zhalel Musenuly Iqanat High School of Burabay Kazakhstan
9th Jule Mohamed Nafiu Baa Atoll School Maldives
10th Nash’aa Mohamed Naseem Baa Atoll School Maldives
TSL 2024 International Essay Competition Grand Prize Winner

Secondary Essay Competition Results

The 1st Prize secondary and overall Grand Prize winner was Naomi Iris Dolatre from Saint Michael’s College of Laguna in the Philippines. The judges were impressed by Naomi’s essay, which highlighted that nature is not merely a background to our lives and communities, but an active participant in our journey towards the UN SDG’s.

Here are the top prize winners for this category.

Final Position Entrant School/College Country
1st & Grand Prize Winner Naomi Iris Dolatre Saint Michael’s College of Laguna Philippines
2nd Hiyaa Rathod India
3rd Bryan Bereczki Tiszacsegei Fekete István Általános Iskola Hungary
4th Daniel Mugabo Three Rivers Academy Kenya
Joint 5th Bao Chau Ngoc Pham The Olympia Schools Vietnam
Joint 5th Theodore Miers Winchester College UK
6th Kamsiyochukwu Sonia Okafor Roseville Secondary School Nigeria
Joint 7th Hiranga Bandara Suraweera Trinity College Sri Lanka
Joint 7th Serene Zhang Raffles Institution  Singapore
Joint 7th Khushi Goyal Bhartiyam International School India
8th Kate Nielson Bona St. Scholastica’s College – Manila Philippines
9th Lia Gabrielle Rosca Multiple Intelligence International School Philippines
Joint 10th Otto Plant  Sutton Valance School UK
Joint 10th Swasti Agarwal The Millennium School, Greater Noida (West) India