What are the solutions?

Project Drawdown identified 100 climate change solutions and ranked them based on their potential to reduce greenhouse gases.

All of the solutions should be implemented, as no single solution will be enough.

Swipe and tap the solutions to explore.

#1 Refrigerant Management


The primary chemical refrigerant, HFCs, is a potent greenhouse gas. Emissions are avoided by managing leaks and disposal and by phasing out the use of HFCs.

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#36 Alternative Cement


Cement, a vital material for infrastructure, generates 5 to 6 percent of annual emissions. The key strategy to reduce them is to change its composition.

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#46 Water Saving – Home


Cleaning, transporting, and heating water requires energy. More efficient fixtures and appliances can reduce home water use by 45 percent, thereby reducing emissions.

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#47 Bioplastic


Ninety percent of plastics could be derived from plants instead of fossil fuels. Bioplastics can be biodegradable and often have lower emissions.

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#55 Household Recycling


Household recycling can reduce emissions because producing new products from recovered materials often saves energy. It also reduces resource extraction and creates jobs.

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#56 Industrial Recycling


Industrial recycling reduces emissions when new products are made from recovered materials, rather than virgin resources. It can also address the challenge of resource scarcity.

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#70 Recycled Paper


Half of paper is used once and then trashed. Recycling makes paper's journey circular, rather than a straight line from logging to landfill, which reduces emissions.

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