What are the solutions?

Project Drawdown identified 100 climate change solutions and ranked them based on their potential to reduce greenhouse gases.

All of the solutions should be implemented, as no single solution will be enough.

Swipe and tap the solutions to explore.

Living Buildings

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The Living Building Challenge holistically defines how buildings can benefit both people and planet. One key criteria: Living buildings produce more energy than they use.

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Ocean Farming

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Small-scale ocean farms have the potential to provide sustainable food and biofuel, while oysters filter nitrogen pollution and seaweed sequesters carbon dioxide.

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Artificial Leaf

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The artificial leaf is technology inspired by photosynthesis. It combines solar energy, water, and carbon dioxide, to feed bacteria that synthesize energy-dense fuel.

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Autonomous Vehicles

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Autonomous vehicles are on the rise. They have the potential to shrink the auto fleet and accelerate ridesharing and the adoption of electric vehicles.

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Direct Air Capture

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Direct air capture systems are a nascent carbon sequestration technology. Functioning like a chemical sieve and sponge, they capture carbon dioxide from air and release it in purified form.

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Hydrogen-boron Fusion

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Tri Alpha Energy has achieved one-half of the nuclear fusion equation. It could herald clean, safe, affordable energy to take the world beyond fossil fuels.

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The promise of Hyperloop is speed. The virtue is moving people and cargo with 90 to 95 percent less energy than planes, trains, or cars.

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Perennial Crops

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Perennial crops sequester carbon because they leave the soil intact. Researchers are pursuing grain, cereal, and oilseed plants that are perennial food providers.

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Repopulating The Mammoth Steppe

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A vast ecosystem called the mammoth steppe once dominated the frozen north. Restoring grazers and grassland could prevent carbon-rich permafrost from thawing and releasing emissions.

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Solid-state Wave Energy

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Solid-state wave energy technology converts the ocean's kinetic energy without external moving parts. It is more robust in marine environments, rich with untapped renewable energy.

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Building With Wood

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High-performance wood materials are transforming construction. They can reduce emissions by (1) sequestering and storing carbon and (2) avoiding emissions of cement and steel.

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Enhanced Weathering Of Minerals

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Natural weathering of silicate rock sequesters carbon dioxide. Enhanced weathering aims to hasten that process by milling rock powder and applying it to landscapes.

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Industrial Hemp

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Hemp is a global warming solution primarily because of what it can replace: cotton. Cotton has high chemical use and depends on fossil fuel inputs.

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Marine Permaculture

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Marine permaculture utilizes floating, latticed structures designed to grow rich kelp forests and foster marine life. It could sequester billions of tons of carbon dioxide.

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Pasture Cropping

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In a pasture cropping system, annual crops are grown in a perennial pasture. Double-cropping grains and animals sequesters carbon and improves farm health and productivity.

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Smart Grids

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With two-way communication between suppliers and consumers, smart grids accommodate the fluctuations of wind and solar power. They also improve grid stability and overall efficiency.

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A Cow Walks Onto A Beach

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Asparagopsis taxiformis, a species of seaweed, shows promise for reducing methane emissions from livestock — currently 6 to 7 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.

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Intensive Silvopasture

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Intensive silvopasture intercrops a leguminous woody shrub with grasses and trees. Through rapid rotational grazing, livestock yields increase alongside carbon sequestration in soil.

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Microbial Farming

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Microbes have the potential to dramatically reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, while improving crop yields and plant health.

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Smart Highways

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The world's first sustainable highway is being pioneered south of Atlanta, Georgia, emphasizing electric vehicle infrastructure and solar power to reduce carbon emissions. The world's first sustainable highway is being pioneered south of Atlanta, Georgia, emphasizing electric vehicle infrastructure and solar power to reduce carbon emissions.

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